Oct 29, 2018
Episode 5 of Pre-Loved Podcast: Allison Dredge of @allisondredgecostumes
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Pre-Loved Podcast is a weekly interview show about rad vintage style with guests you’ll want to go thrifting with. Find the show on Twitter at @PreLovedPod and follow #PreLovedPod for updates on future episodes.
This week, I chat with Allison Dredge. Allison is a freelance costume designer whose costumed creations have over 310 million combined views on YouTube. She is a avid thrifter, vintage caretaker, lover of the hunt and the thrill of a good find.
In the episode we chat about the business of being a freelance costume designer, including the costume design process from start to finish; we talk about retro dressing, and about how vintage clothes are a little piece of history, and much more!
Want to get in touch? Email me at prelovedpod@gmail.com
Pre-Loved Podcast is created by Emily Stochl of Brume & Daisy. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and my blog.